11 must try networking tips
Networking doesn’t have to be akward. What can you do to make networking fun?
First, set goals for your next networking event. It’s important that you go in with a plan. As the saying goes “if you don’t plan you are planned to fail.” Click To Tweet
The next time you attend a networking event you should consider…
Speed Questions
This is really fun. Tell the people you’re with to find a partner
and give them, say, 30 to 60 seconds to shoot off very quick questions to the other person. Make sure to add extremely interesting and funny questions such as “If you could be a character from a movie, who would you be?“ This is one of our favorite networking questions.
Story Telling
Stories leave an impression. They are how we communicate vital information and everyone loves a good story. Click To Tweet Don’t be afraid to tell a funny story or one on how you overcame adversity. After all telling a great story is the ultimate form of content marketing.
Build Something
With limited tools, ask the people yoru with to build something. Ex. “build necklaces out of spaghetti and tape” Try this one at the next business networking event. Usually, it makes the event more exciting.
Sing your heart out
A wonderful ice breaker experience would be to sing your favorite songs and even songs you don’t like! It’s a great business networking idea for large groups. Being vulnerable is ok.
Listen, listen, listen
The secret to networking is listening because everyone’s favorite subject is themselves (let’s be honest). There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re at a networking event, so it’s nice to get to know someone. What does the person want out of the event? Is it more business? Sometimes people go to networking events just to meet new people. It’s important to tap into your social intelligence.
Be genuinely interested
Be interested and get involved. Ask questions about other people, that’s what you’re there for.
– What do you like doing outside of work?
– What makes you enthusiastic about your job?
– What’s your passion project? If you don’t have one, what would it be?
To the point
It’s good to have the mindset that you only have a few minutes with each person when walking into a networking event. Say to yourself, this is a 5-minute ice breaker.
Remember, everyone is at a networking event for the same reasons… to meet people. So getting to the point is essential. Before attending you can write down one or two points you really want to get to. Whether it’s looking for leads or contacts, you want to connect with the person and get to the point. Remember people are there to network with others as well.
Following Up
A few days later remember to pull out those business cards and send an email over. Some things you want to consider are that personalized emails are key to your success.
– How did you remember them at the event?
– Did you notice something different or unique about them?
Be Authentic
People will ultimately do business with people they like, know, and trust. Click To Tweet If there is someone you find interesting about the person you are talking to go ahead and be yourself around them. Let them get to know you. You’ll gain their trust by allowing a connection to build.
Small Talk
Small talk is a great conversation starter. It’s a good way to get a conversation going. Here are a few sentences to start off a conversation:
- Are you enjoying the weather lately?
- I’m glad they have name tags at this event. Otherwise, I might forget your name…just joking.
- What do you think of the new _____ going on around town? Looks fun and exciting.
Exit Strategy
Walking away from a conversation is always awkward. Writing down a few graceful ways to walk away is very helpful.
- “What’s your email, we should connect sometime soon.“
- “Have you met ____ at this event? I think he/she will really help you; let me introduce you.”
- “Sorry to cut the night short but I do have to go.”
- Are you enjoying the weather lately?
- I’m glad they have name tags at this event. Otherwise, I might forget your name…just joking.
- What do you think of the new _____ going on around town? Looks fun and exciting.
Which one is your favorite?
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